
Changing Perspectives

Staff have been really busy working on our new Interpretive Guide which will include a fantastic new layout.  We are also going to include some great content on the 20th century perspective that was such a huge influence on the way they did the Reconstruction.  Sometimes we forget that “History” is not made of unchanging facts and certainties.  History is our PERSPECTIVE of what happened before! 

While thinking about how we can talk about this evolution with visitors, I stumbled onto this amazing timeline by Colonial Williamsburg’s Costume Design Center, which celebrated their 75th anniversary last year!  They have developed this website feature that goes through their program and the changes that have happened since they started in 1934. 


It includes some fantastic images you can click to enlarge, and really highlights how our knowledge and accuracy has improved since we started interpreting historic sites like Pennsbury!  Enjoy!

Dinner with the Rising Nation River Journey

Every 4 years, members of the local Rising Nation group and community supporters travel the Delaware River from New York to Cape May. In part, the trip is designed to promote the awareness that the Lenape people living in Pennsylvania are carrying on their traditions, culture and spiritual beliefs.

This year they will be stopping here at Pennsbury, and so we would like to invite our volunteers to join us on Thursday, August 12 around 5pm for a potluck dinner with the canoers! Their arrival time is hard to pinpoint – they expect to arrive around 4:00, so we will gather by the river around 5:00 for a casual meal and some great conversation.

Please RSVP to Hannah (c-hahoward@state.pa.us) or Mary Ellyn (mkunz@state.pa.us) by Saturday, July 31 if you are interested in coming!  Again, this is only open to volunteers and their immediate families.


Welcome to our new blog!  As a historic site dedicated to excellence, we are constantly working to improve our programs and interpretive content.  Our volunteers serve as the main link between our latest research and the site’s visitors.  Therefore it is vitally important that we provide you, our dedicated volunteers, with the knowledge and tools needed to offer the best visitor experience possible! 

Please be sure to click the “Subscribe” link on the right-hand navigation bar to ensure that you receive an e-mail every time we post something new on this blog!  We’ll be sharing updates on programs, trainings, and new interpretive materials.  Also be sure to watch for exclusive featurettes on aspects of the gardens, buildings, and never-before-seen artifacts! 

Please feel free to comment on our posts, we want this to become a way to discuss your experiences and share knowledge you have gained.  If you find any particular articles or facts you’d like featured, just send it via e-mail and I’ll try to post it!  Enjoy!

~ Hannah Howard, Volunteer Coordinator

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