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Pennsbury Manor | Dreams of Freedom: The Threads that Hold Us Together

Dreams of Freedom: The Threads that Hold Us Together

Dreams of Freedom: The Threads that Hold Us Together

On Saturday August 6, a traveling exhibit of quilts and mixed media celebrating the life and contributions of American hero Harriet Tubman will open in the Crozier House at Pennsbury Manor.

Dreams of Freedom: The Threads That Hold Us Together was organized by the Sankofa Artisans Guild (SAG) and includes quilts and mixed media submitted by artists and crafters from around the country. The quilts depict scenes and themes honoring Tubman’s life and legacy.

Access to the exhibit will be available on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays from 12-4pm from August – November.

Pennsbury Manor | Dreams of Freedom: The Threads that Hold Us Together