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Pennsbury Manor | Support Us

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Support the Pennsbury Society

The Pennsbury Society, a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, ensures that Pennsbury Manor continues to grow and succeed in its mission of education. Founded in 1966, the Pennsbury Society supports the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission in the administration of Pennsbury Manor.

Children learn from seeing, touching, and experiencing the world around them. History is brought to life and passion for learning grows when children experience first hand what they read about in books. We invite you to support Pennsbury Manor and help share our local history as the only historic site in the country that relates specifically to William Penn and his impact on American history. Our mission at Pennsbury Manor is “to preserve the past, honor the present and shape the future” by interpreting the values and achievements of Pennsylvania’s founder, William Penn. Your charitable contributions allow us to continue our mission by allowing us to provide quality educational tours and programs for over 10,000 school children annually. You can support Pennsbury Manor in a variety of ways:

• Become a member of the Pennsbury Society, the non-profit 501(c)(3) organization that exists to support Pennsbury Manor. Click here to learn more about how to become a Member today.

• Participate in Pennsylvania’s Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) program. EITC provides companies with a 75% tax credit for donations they make to a non-profit educational improvement organization. The tax credit increases to 90% if the company commits to making the same donations for two consecutive years. A business paying taxes in Pennsylvania can receive up to $750,000 in tax credits annually. More importantly, the EITC provides children and families with a choice in their education and a chance in life. Click here for more information on how the EITC program supports Pennsbury Manor’s educational programming.

• The animals at Pennsbury Manor play an important role in the overall interpretation of William Penn and daily life in 17th century Pennsylvania. Donations to the animal fund are used towards food, preventative health care, emergency health care, supplies, and pasture maintenance. To learn more, click HERE.

• Annual fundraising events such as Brews & Bites and Holly Nights offer exciting opportunities to enjoy Pennsbury Manor in a whole new light. Consider joining us during one of these upcoming events.

• We also offer a simple, easy way to support Pennsbury Manor by clicking on the Donate button above.

Pennsbury Manor is administered by the Pennsylvania Historic and Museum Commission (PHMC) with the support of the Pennsbury Society, a non-profit 501 (c)(3) organization. The official registration and financial information of the Pennsbury Society may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling toll free within Pennsylvania, 1-800-732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsement.